the endorphasm mission
Each day, we create a fitness experience that brings you closer to your soul. One that strips away the bullshit, sharpens your mind and body focus, allows you to reach beyond your perceived limitations and accomplish your goals.

It could be the modern Just Do It, but better since endorphasm is a state of being and feeling and not just a command.Â
– Laura Doerr
Endorphasm: That feeling you get (or that place you visit!) when your mind & body have taken you to a fitness level you thought couldn’t reach – when your mind & body have given SO MUCH MORE than you ever thought possible; that feeling (place) of “WOW I CAN’T BELIEVE I JUST DID THAT!”, accomplishment, BadAss-edness, “Hey, I wonder what else I can do!?”, or “That was so awesome, I CAN DO ANYTHING!” Â
– Holly
So the thing that comes to mind is — ANYBODY can have an endorphasm — and that is what is so amazing about it. You don’t have to be the best athlete, in the best shape, or doing the most intense workout. It can be your first day working out after 10 years of not…and you have an emotional-physical connection and BAM–endorphasm. It is that feeling when you push yourself one step further than you thought you could. When you look in the mirror after you worked hard and know you are worth it. That’s what it means to me.
– Mikaela Rossman Clark
As a former college athlete turned fitness professional…endorphasm has always represented that energy explosion, natural high that comes from challenging your body and pushing it to the limits. When I was in college I used to go running every evening. I would reach that point in the run when everything in my life just disappeared, every problem, stress, concern, body image negativity, everything. It was just me, my sweat and the road. My body felt on fire and you couldn’t have paid me to stop. Endorphasm is that feeling on steroids. It is the moment in every workout when you go mindless. Full release of every inner demon and full commitment to physical excellence. Most people are afraid to experience true exercise. They fear their limitations. They fear the challenge. They fear failure. But, what they don’t realize is that there comes a point in every workout where those things don’t exist. There is no pain. There is no tension. There is no difficulty. There is just progress. That is endorphasm.Â
– Katie Benick
Endorphasm is the push; the mental confirmation that you can physically dominate any task in front of you because you have annihilated those behind. It isn’t style or swag; it isn’t surface. It is the confidence that your body will respond to the task at hand. It is the mental explosion that drives you past any physical plateau. Endorphasm is the sweat on your brow, the grit of your teeth, and the exhaustion of muscles pushed past their limits but willing you further. Endorphasm is the push; the undeniable joy of surpassing your wildest dreams.
-Christina Mantegna
Endorphasm is pushing to the point you’ve never seen yourself before. Once you get that it’s such a climatic rush that releases through your body to the point of such calm, peace and release of all that weighted you down. But I must say that endorphasm is hard to achieve without the right motivator. Truth be told, you represent endorphasm for your fitness followers.
– Darling Jean-Paul-Melendez
Go the distance. Then go further. Reach your limit. And then climb past it. Hit your maximum. And then smash through it. Lift all you can. And then carry more. Do things you never thought you could do. Then dream of bigger things to tackle next. Be inspired by the fastest, strongest person in class. And then be more inspired by the slowest, weakest one. Always finish with your best. Always cheer for/help everyone who is behind you finish. Be in awe of yourself and everyone around you.
– Trish Muller
I really think you have found the word that describes the feeling the elite and wannabe elite athlete strives for on a daily basis! I personally describe endorphasm as my prozac for free! Let me tell you I need a dose at least once daily! So in a nutshell that is what endorphasm is to me! Â
– Caroline Tunnell
Endorphasm to me is when you feel like you can conquer the world! It is when your confidence is so high and you are so focused that you truly believe that you CAN do anything that you set your mind to:)
– Kierstin Barney
to understand it, you must experience it

frequently asked questions
To understand it, you must experience it. For seekers of a seriously good sweat. From beginners to athletes.
High-intensity interval training — bursts of powerful cardiovascular and resistance-based movements with limited periods of rest.
Erica has applied the basic HIIT premise to training involving running, strength training, cycling, suspension training , assault bikes, sled pushes, battleropes, and all things in between. Though the recipe varies, the results stay the same: leg-wobbling, teeth-clenching, sweat-on-the-floor endorphasmic awesomeness — followed by a badass sense of accomplishment.
It’s best to attack your workouts with an amazing attitude…every workout is completely unpredictable, changed daily to keep your body guessing.
For the most dedicated cult of endorphin-seekers, pushing the body to its limit is a religious endeavour, and for Erica’s clients, the Endorphasm is how we worship.
45-60 minutes of leave it all on the mat! Exactly what you didn’t know you needed.
While the endorphasm workout is said to be the most challenging in RVA , it is always modifiable…and always YOUR workout. A basic level of fitness is advised. We encourage working hard, but more importantly, we want you working SMART. Check your ego at the door and remember, it’s your workout. It never gets easy, but it does get easier. Screaming, crying, and F-Bombs are welcome…complaining is NOT!
Erica’s clients are a very diverse group; they are in every stage of their fitness journey. Some have been working out for weeks, while others have been pushing for 20+ years. Some of them can handle extremely intense workouts; others are still easing their way into more difficult workouts. Erica cultivates an encouraging atmosphere, there is no need to feel self-conscious or embarrassed about where you might be in your fitness journey. Her programming is inclusive and adaptive. With 32 years experience, she expertly modifies exercises, scales weight loads, and demonstrates alternative moves that vary in intensity, providing everyone a challenging, yet attainable experience.
Please always consult with your doctor to ensure that you are ready for any physical exercise. If you are, then you are a perfect candidate for Erica’s training. As mentioned above, every exercise in training can and will be modified to your ability.
If you are here to manage calories because of a poor diet…work on your other 23 hours first…then come back when you’re actually interested in being stronger, healthier, more fit. Endorphasm is NOT a diet manager. The calories you burn are relative to your current fitness level, rate of exertion, weight, etc. Endorphasm is about movement and the FEELING, not about aesthetics. We all look sexy as fuck as we are. We want your mind to be equally sexy.

Erica “Jungle Grrrl” Porter
Founder of all things Endorphasm
Erica leads her life the way she encourages others to lead theirs. She is a fitness and lifestyle professional recognized for her “Get the Monkey Off Your Back” mantra, signature ever-present high energy personality, direct-to-the-point delivery, and, of course, athletic accomplishments. She has over 30 years of health, fitness, and behavioral lifestyle and weight management counseling experience, and is the creator of the Endorphasm Method that has helped so many accomplish their lifestyle goals.
Erica is a mother, business woman, motivator, fitness expert, WOW Superhero professional wrestler, and happiness junkie. But most importantly, she is a human being that struggles with the same choices as everyone else and knows how to facilitate change and create a life of total wellness.
She is deeply humbled that her clients share their stories and life with her. Everyone has a story, and there is no greater gift than getting to be part of that story.