A conscious assessment of your goals, your behavior, your relationships, and your performance in all areas ultimately enables self-improvement. It allows you to expand your options in life.
Coming clean with your errors and learning to forgive yourself for them can become a lifelong habit. Through it, your relationship with yourself gets better and better.
After all, to whom does one go for self-help?
It can be painful. Confront yourself, only then can you seriously work to change what you can.
You have the power to change…
*How you spend your time
*How you eat and how you drink
*Your performance in general and your performance towards your goals.
Welcome to the art of self-appraisal. Work against the tendency to feel discouraged and hopeless. Here are some action strategies that are geared toward success.
*Assess your behaviors and traits honestly.
*Focus on corrections.
*Look upon self-appraisal as identifying a new path for yourself and with determination head down it.
As humans we have the ability to relearn, change emotions and change behavior…
*Critique your performance while accepting yourself.
*Aim to change poisonous behavior now, before it leads to far more pain in the long run.
Overeating, for example, will lead you to have more and larger problems than if you deal with the problem NOW! No matter what I can teach you about nutritious eating, you’ll have difficulty applying the information to your own life if you are struggling with emotional eating. It takes time and you must be gentle with yourself as you go along. However, with diligence, you can find healthier coping mechanisms, and slowly but surely you can begin to understand and alter this behavior. Overcoming emotional eating requires making changes…some subtle, some bigger in scope.