Meet Carlo. Erica’s right hand man ✊?. He’s as bad ass as they come, but let me give you the chance to read about why he is the way he is ??….below is Carlo’s #whatsyourwhy ??
My why depends on the day.
Some days, I am there to exorcise (yes, pun intended) some demons. Sometimes, I am just fighting to keep what I have. Other times I am just fired the fuck up, feeling strong, and want to burn myself up just because I can. I like to see my friends. Always, at the core of the effort, it is because life demands it of me. My son, my wife, my job, my life, my inner voice, demands the effort and results…’s a bit annoying that it never feels like enough in the context of these motivators. Balance though, is important too I suppose, which is one of the countless reasons this place is so important and special to me; show up, make it yours, give some love and get it back tenfold. Endorphasm. #endorphasmlife #endorphasmstrong#endorphasmfamily #endorphasm